VIP Mentorship

Let’s take your business to the next level!

Why Coaching is Important

Think of having a coach like being an Olympic athlete. The athlete is the one doing the work, but the coach is the one giving direction, offering suggestions for improvement, and providing strategies to achieve their goals. That’s what this mentorship will be for you. I won’t be doing the work for you, but I’ll be there to guide you, help you become the best version of yourself, and achieve the goals you have for live painting business and artistic growth.

Whether you’re looking to leave your 9-5 and become a full-time artist, or you’re already established and want to take your career to the next level, this program is for you. I’ll help keep you accountable by creating a 90-day plan with specific, tangible goals. All you have to do is commit to your success!

Customizable Payment Plans up to 6 months! VIP Mentoring is a separate purchase from the masterclass.

Getting the Most Out of Your Coaching Sessions

  1. Scheduling and Preparation:

    • Let me know at least 72 hours in advance if you need to cancel or change an appointment.

    • Double-check your Zoom link before the call starts.

    • If you’re more than 15 minutes late, the call will be canceled and is non-refundable.

  2. During the Calls:

    • Show up early with your camera on, ready, and armed with any questions you have.

    • Have a clear idea of what you want to achieve from each session.

    • Ensure you’re not driving or distracted during the call.

  3. Homework and Progress:

    • Go through the first chapter and fill out the worksheet before our first coaching call.

    • This will help us create a 90-day plan tailored to your goals.

    • Come prepared with a win to share for each call, and if you’re facing any challenges, bring those too along with potential solutions.

Why This is Beneficial for You

Having a coach is like having a dedicated partner in your artistic journey. I’ll be here to guide you, offer support, and help you navigate any challenges. By following the plan and doing the recommended work, you’ll see significant growth in your skills and your business. This masterclass is designed to equip you with both the artistic and business skills needed to succeed as a live wedding painter.

So, get into action right now, and I’ll be ready to support you in achieving those amazing goals! Let’s make your biggest goals happen!