The ultimate education for all things live wedding painting.

Whether you're just starting out or already an experienced artist, our masterclass is designed to help you grow and flourish in the world of wedding painting. Led by Abigail Wilson, this masterclass is overflowing with tips, tricks, and techniques to bring your artistry to life in real-time at weddings.

You might be asking, why would I need this course?

You’re struggling with confidence and direction

You might find yourself entering weddings feeling uncertain about your process and outcomes, and you want guidance and clarity to navigate each wedding seamlessly.

You’ve had limited leads and business growth

Despite your passion and talent, you may struggle to attract clients and expand your business, and you’re seeking proven strategies to increase visibility, attract leads, and secure bookings consistently.

You’re seeking to refine skills and enhance artistry

Perhaps you're eager to refine your painting techniques, deepen your understanding of color theory, or explore new artistic styles. The Wedding Painters Masterclass provides a platform for honing your craft and expanding your artistic repertoire, empowering you to create breathtaking masterpieces that captivate and inspire.

Does this sound like you?

Are you ready to take the next step in advancing your skills and elevating your business?

Feeling overwhelmed by the complexities of the wedding industry is a common challenge for live wedding painters.

You may find yourself lost in a sea of do's and don'ts, unsure of which guidelines apply to your unique situation.

While your artistic talent is undeniable, you might struggle with painting quickly enough or creating captivating compositions. Additionally, mastering the intricacies of painting faces and figures can be daunting.

On the business side, challenges may arise in creating compelling Instagram posts, setting up an effective website to attract leads, and confidently communicating with clients to close deals.

Overcoming these obstacles requires a strategic approach to develop both your artistic and business skills, enabling you to thrive in the competitive world of live wedding painting.

Does that strike a chord with you?

Don’t worry, I have just the thing for you!

The secret to becoming an expert in the field of live wedding painting is…

it requires dedication, investment, practice, and a commitment to continuous learning.

Dedicate time to practice and refine your painting techniques, including brushwork, color mixing, and composition. Experiment with different styles and mediums to develop your unique artistic voice.

Seek opportunities to paint live at weddings, events, or even in public spaces. Each live painting session will provide valuable experience and help you become more comfortable working in real-time settings.

Take advantage of resources such as books, online tutorials, workshops, and courses specifically tailored to live wedding painting. Learn from experienced artists and educators to deepen your understanding of the craft.

Solicit constructive feedback from peers, mentors, and clients to identify areas for improvement and growth. Use feedback as an opportunity to refine your skills and enhance your artistic practice.

Familiarize yourself with the business side of live wedding painting, including pricing strategies, contract negotiation, marketing techniques, and client communication. Invest time in building your brand and establishing a strong online presence.

Stay up-to-date on industry trends, emerging technologies, and best practices in live wedding painting. Attend conferences, networking events, and exhibitions to connect with other professionals and stay inspired.

By following these steps with the help of The Wedding Painter’s Masterclass, you can become an expert in the field of live wedding painting and establish yourself as a trusted and sought-after artist in the industry.

Meet your Instructor

Hi, I’m Abigail Wilson! I’ve been creating art for as long as I can remember. I started Abby’s HeartWork in 2015 where I was blessed to work full time creating paintings for people! This passion I found in art took me to University where I received my BFA in Painting. I spent hours and hours drawing, painting, sculpting, welding, painting, and drawing some more! It was, honestly, the time of my life.

I began seeing this new trend of live wedding painters and I said to myself, I can do that! With all of the training and practice I’ve had, I could paint from life and finish it in a few hours, so I sat down and saw if I could truly do it! I painted a picture of my friend on her wedding day, and I started and finished in 2 hours, and it was honestly one of the best paintings I had done to date. I showed her, and my family and they all were amazed. That was confirmation. So I began to advertise that I was offering this new form of entertainment, along with many examples of my past wedding paintings, and within a 3 weeks I booked 11 weddings for that year! That was CRAZY! I absolutely fell in love with the atmosphere at weddings! It became the passion that I had been missing. It gave me community, surrounded me with love and allowed me to let out my extroverted side that painting in a studio just doesn’t allow. Every painting I do is better than the last!

In October of 2022 I got engaged to my best friend and love of my life, and I immediately began to plan my dream wedding! This process solidified in my heart that I would always be in the wedding industry! After a successful wedding day and amazing honeymoon, I came home to my business at a standstill. After six months of fully focusing on my wedding, I had neglected to pursue my live painting career. I didn’t post as much on social media, I didn’t reach out to people, and it truly affected my business.

I was so discouraged. I wasn’t getting leads and I didn’t know what to do. I decided to invest in my business, and join an art business course. It wasn’t specifically about live wedding painting, but I was able to apply what was taught, and I began to gain momentum. I was able to learn the market, raise my prices, track where I get the most leads, and learned the months that I book out the fastest. I took the data from where I got most of my inquiries from and I invested more money and effort into that area.

By being intentional with my goals, I was able to book 16 weddings within the first two months of 2024, and I have leads coming in consistently! This wasn’t a fluke or luck. It was the mindset I adopted when I invested in my business. I felt like I had learned the secret.

I wanted to find a way to get my knowledge to other live painters, a course with everything they could need to succeed in this industry! After months and months of work, The Wedding Painters Masterclass was born!  Everything that I have learned about business, art, weddings and the secrets to live painting, I want to share with you!


Whats in the Course?

50 In-depth Video Lessons providing detailed instruction and demonstrations to enhance your painting skills and business acumen.

11 Chapters covering various aspects of live wedding painting, from artistic techniques to business strategies.

Lifetime Access: Enjoy unlimited access to the course materials, allowing you to learn at your own pace and revisit lessons as needed.

Artistic Instructions teaching essential painting techniques, color theory, composition, and more to elevate your artistic abilities.

Business Strategies sharing insights into pricing strategies, marketing tactics, client communication, and contract negotiation to grow your business.

Goal Setting: Learn how to set and achieve your goals, both personally and professionally, to progress in your career.

I have worked so hard to put all of this together for you and I am confident that your business, and life will begin to flourish after you take this course and apply what you learn!

Acacia Baxter

“Wow! The Wedding Painters Masterclass is not only such an incredible online course, but I am also blown away by who Abigail is as a teacher and artist. She is full of knowledge, and competent in her craft. As a student in WPM, I have learned many skills that will take me far in my own pursuit of being a Live Wedding Painter--for starters I am learning about the foundations of color theory and canvas portraiture. Wow, I didn’t know how much I was missing! I am thrilled about what I have learned and am thankful for Abby's ability to teach, encourage, and kindly correct. I couldn’t recommend this course enough!”


Contract Templates

Value $50

Email Responses

Value $50

Resource Library

Value $150

Inside look into the course.

Inside look into the course.

What’s in the course?

  • Chapter 1: Goal Setting

  • Chapter 2: Business Basics

  • Chapter 3: Pricing and Packages

  • Chapter 4: Official Business

  • Chapter 5: At the Wedding

  • Chapter 6: Dealing with Clients

  • Chapter 7: Art Basics

  • Chapter 8: Portraiture

  • Chapter 9: Advanced Painting

  • Chapter 10: Real Time Wedding Painting

  • Chapter 11: Expanding your Skills

Customize your Experience

Tier 1


Art Course Only

5 chapters, 18 in depth instructional videos, Value $1,500

Tier 2


Business Course only

7 Chapters, 34 in-depth instructional videos, Value $2,000


Tier 3


Art Course +
Business Course + Bonuses

11 Chapters, 50 video lessons, Bonuses, Value $3,750

Tier 4


Art Course +
Business Course + Bonuses + VIP Mentorship (Only 5 spots left)

Everything + one-on-one meetings with me, including personal art critiques, and tailored business strategy session to your business and goals, Value $4,750

Why choose this course?

The Wedding Painters Masterclass offers a comprehensive, flexible, and affordable training program for individuals looking to hone their skills as live wedding painters. With its in-depth videos, experienced instructor, customizable lessons, and specialized focus on the wedding industry, it presents a compelling option for anyone seeking to excel in this niche field.

Live wedding painters are so unique in the wedding field. We need tailored instruction, and confidence in our craft.

I created this course to:

inspire, empower and create unstoppable live wedding painters! It is my dream that when you go through this course, you will be able to easily implement what you are learning and excel in your craft. I want you to be confident as you walk into a venue and have a plan set in place. I want you to be able to automate your client journey, that will bring in ready-to-book clients who know exactly what they are investing in and are confident in their decision to book with you.

You found it! Your one stop shop, live wedding painter’s education!





What you get when you invest:

A goodie basket welcoming you as a new student

Lifetime access to the course

Access to all updated instructional videos/resources

Course material of the package you chose

Access to Facebook group community


