“And He said to them, ‘Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.’” Mark 16:15

Jesus embodies the divine essence and is symbolized as the Living Water, a concept I sought to depict through my artistic journey. Drawing inspiration from biblical narratives where Jesus interacts with water, I embarked on a deeply personal exploration of these stories and their profound connections woven throughout scripture. These paintings, conceived and nurtured during my formative high school years, served as the foundational bedrock upon which my artistic skills flourished and my career path began to unfold. They represent not only a creative expression but also a spiritual pilgrimage, illuminating the eternal significance of Jesus as both God and the source of life-giving water.


  • This painting I did my junior year in High school. My dad and I, on our family beach trip, prepared for this painting and had a small photo shoot resulting in a picture similar to this painting. I used the picture to have a realistic representation of this idea that I had. I finished the painting in about 7 days. It’s basically all I worked on. I was so excited about it and I would say rightfully so! It is still one of my favorite pieces!


  • For this painting, I truly wanted to illustrate what “night” looks like. So I chose monochrome in blue. I got my Dad to put on a sheet and we took pictures until I had what I thought I could use! He is both Jesus and Peter in this painting. This was milestone painting for me because I didn’t draw an underpainting but dove right in (pun intended) and loved the way it turned out. This painting gave me a new sense of confidence as an artist!

Creature #1

  • Again inspired by scripture, Revelation 4 has such an amazing description of the Four Creatures in the throne room of God. This painting is the first of four and I really wanted to make this very representational and abstract! I love the bold colors I used and the drips of paint and bold lines and patterns in the background! We truly won’t know what these creatures look like until we are there in person so here is my representation!