
The Live Wedding Painters Masterclass stands out as an unparalleled resource tailored specifically for live wedding painters seeking to elevate both their artistic prowess and business acumen.

What makes this masterclass truly exceptional is its flexibility—participants have the option to enroll in the comprehensive program covering both art and business aspects or choose to focus solely on the area where they seek growth. Whether one desires to refine their painting techniques or enhance their entrepreneurial skills, this masterclass caters to individual needs.

Another amazing aspect is the option to add on personal training with the instructor, for three months of tailored feedback specifically for your needs and goals. As you make your way through the program, you will have three months of guidance and mentorship to make your goals a reality!

Additionally, the program is enriched with a wealth of invaluable information and bonuses, ensuring that participants receive not only top-notch education but also practical tools and resources to succeed in the competitive wedding industry. It's truly a one-stop-shop destination for live wedding painters looking to unlock their full potential and thrive in their craft and business.

This is an investment.

The average live wedding painting typically falls within the range of $2500 to $3000. The Wedding Painters Masterclass is priced at half the cost of an average wedding booking, and presents an incredible opportunity for aspiring and seasoned live painters alike. The goal was for this program to be doable for those who are just starting out in the business, and maybe haven’t gotten their pricing up to the average price yet. Once you go through the program and book your first wedding, you will immediately have a return on investment!

While investing in one's business might initially seem daunting, it's undeniably one of the most rewarding investments an artist can make. With the skills, strategies, and insights gained from this masterclass, participants can not only enhance their craft but also elevate their earning potential and establish a solid foundation for long-term success.

In the world of live wedding painting, investing in yourself is the ultimate key to unlocking new heights of creativity, proficiency, and prosperity.


  • Yes! There is a one time payment as well as a three month payment! The VIP Mentorship program has completely customizable payment plans that fit your specific needs.

  • Once you enroll in "The Wedding Painters Masterclass," you'll have lifetime access to all course materials, allowing you to revisit lessons and resources whenever you need them.

  • It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or mAbsolutely! "The Wedding Painters Masterclass" is designed to cater to artists of all levels, from beginners to seasoned professionals. Our comprehensive curriculum covers fundamental painting techniques, business strategies, and everything in between to help you thrive in the world of live painting.aybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

  • Yes! You'll have the opportunity to engage with fellow participants in our supportive Facebook community and receive constructive feedback from peers. Additionally, participantplas who opt for one-on-one sessions with instructor, Abigail Wilson, will receive personalized feedback and guidance tailored to their specific needs and goals.

  • We understand that life can be hectic, which is why "The Wedding Painters Masterclass" is designed to be flexible. You can access course materials at your own pace and convenience, allowing you to fit learning around your schedule. There is no start or end date, and you have lifetime access!

What you get when you invest:

A goodie basket welcoming you as a new student

Lifetime access to the course

Access to all updated instructional videos/resources

Discover your WHY

Refine your artistic skills

Develop a business plan

Access to Facebook group community

  • By exploring your motivations, passions, and values, you can clarify your purpose as a live painter and infuse your artwork with authenticity and meaning. Understanding your "why" not only fuels your creativity but also guides your artistic decisions and enables you to create work that resonates deeply with both yourself and your audience. It becomes the driving force behind your artistry, inspiring you to continually grow, evolve, and make a meaningful impact through your live painting.

  • Personal Growth and Development

  • Refining your artistic skills while painting faster is about finding a balance between quality and efficiency. By honing your technique, mastering brushwork, and making strategic decisions about composition and color, you can streamline your process without sacrificing the integrity of your artwork. Through practice and perseverance, you'll develop the ability to paint with speed and precision, allowing you to capture the essence of a scene while maximizing your productivity.

  • Painting Fundamentals

    Time Management and Efficiency in Live Painting

    Color Theory

    Portraiture Techniques



    Lightvs Shadow

    Speed Painting

    and much more

  • In this process, you'll outline your business goals, define your target market, and strategize how to achieve your objectives. By identifying your unique value proposition, conducting market research, and establishing a clear roadmap for growth, you'll be better equipped to navigate challenges, seize opportunities, and build a sustainable business that aligns with your vision and values.

  • Marketing Strategies for Wedding Painters

    Lead Generation and Conversion

    Contract Management and Negotiation

    Pricing Strategies and Business Scaling

    Building a Strong Online Presence and Portfolio

    Client Interaction and Communication

    Community Engagement and Networking Opportunities